"Szeressük hazánkat, nemzetünket és szakunkat hűséggel,
egyetértéssel és összetartással."
Bedő Albert 1911

Országos Erdészeti Egyesület

What is the OEE?

Hungarian Forestry Association

Expertise – Ethic – Community

Our main task is to create a professional community for Hungarian-speaking foresters.

What is OEE?

The Hungarian Forestry Association (further on OEE – the Hungarian abbreviation) is an NGO representing the Hungarian forestry sector. It currently has 3,700 individual members. It serves as the professional association of Hungarian foresters and Hungarian-speaking foresters of surrounding countries, for sharing experiences, to enrich technical literature as well as technical language, and to keep forestry-related traditions alive. In addition, its mission is shaping society's attitude, educating young generations to be environmentally conscious and awaking love for nature and interest in learning about it as an important task.